April 2009 Tech Day

Dale - Debugged and repaired faulty brake light/turn signal. Turns out it was in the connection on the housing.
Also replaced shocks in GTO.

John - Attempted to repair a faulty fuel gauge and/or sender. THe strap bolts were too corroded to safely remove without breaking so John will have to pursue another day. Hopefully with less fuel in the tank....

Josh - I don't remember what Josh had to work on, but we do know it was a hassle getting the engine cover off!

Jim - Had a leak on the 4-runner. Not a terrible leak, but looked like quite an undertaking to repair so he's going to check with the dealer.
And of course he had to get on the computer so it would be just like real work.

Kevin - Installed a trailer hitch receiver. Nice unit that went in quite well. Kevin even ended up with bonus parts and did a little dance for joy, it appears.

Lance - Changed oil in the mini cooper. Even brought the Vette by...always nice! He was giving rides in exchange for a first born...

Larry - Installed sound deadening material in his Blazer. Same as he put in his El Camino. Works great!

Len - Preparing to sell his work van. Checked brakes, windshield washer motor as well as other odds and ends. He bought a new large van to replace it.

Mazen - Worked on his Vette. Replaced a belt. Not sure what else he did, but he and Malek sure looked busy.